Saturday, September 11, 2010

How Dare You Use My Cousin's Murder on 9/11 to Justify Bigotry and Hatred


For the full note:
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Where Was The "Professional Left" A Year Ago?

Excellent article Sally. This whole ongoing dysfunctional relationship between the Progressives and the Rahmobama Administration has led many Progressives to a dilemma regarding the participation in the mid term elections. is my response to a call from President Obama on OFA stationary asking for a pledge to vote.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Friday, August 13, 2010

Gibbs: Obama Still Wants To Feel Pressure From The Left

Sam Stein, this is a real puff piece for the Administration helping it to pull wool over the eyes of Progressives.

Right from Rahm's "Fucking Retarded" Progressives to Gibbs "Crazy" Progressives is a continuous effort to mask the Administration's walking back on the campaign platform as the move away from people's agenda (as in the campaign platform) to a corporatist agenda. Read Mike Mogulescu's article in Huffpost as well).

As they stoop lower and lower the Rahmade drinking Whitehouse has started displaying its Chicago style politics, i.e. "divide and conquer. According to Gibbs the President steel wants to feel "pressure from the left" without having and intentions to going to 3rd or 4th base. What a perverse orientation. Further they claim that this limited interaction is not possible from the "crazies" on the cable and elsewhere (?) who are impossible to satisfy - suggesting they apply their pressure elsewhere if the want any gratification. The only such lefty monsters on the cable seem to be Maddow, Olbermann and Schultz of MSNBC. A ridiculous statement considering these folks have carried water for the Administration once the flawed Bills are passed in order to pull their Progressive viewers behind the President's achievements Corporatist or otherwise.

This pathetic attempt at dividing folks whose only fault is protect people's interest and meet "Hold President Accountable" request WILL NOT WORK. I am pretty sure that Tavis Smiley's book "ACCOUNTABLE" has been burnt in a book burning ceremony conducted by Rahm Emanuel the ultimate corporatist.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

It's Wall Street Corporate Liberals Who Are Undermining Democrats' Election Prospects

Super article as usual from Mogulescu. I liberally (quoted his article coining the term about the Kabuki Dance by the President around the Health Care Reform.

Just to see how far the President Obama has retreated walked back on his position of Corporatism consider the remarks he made he made during the campaign. It appears that the man has replaced "a man's word is his bond" with "a man's word is not worth a dime", especially when the man happens to be the President of the United States.

"Unless we're willing to challenge the broken system in Washington, and stop letting lobbyists use their clout to get their way, nothing else is going to change ... For far too long, through both Democratic and Republican administrations, Washington has allowed Wall Street to use lobbyists and campaign contributions to rig the system and get its way, no matter what it costs ordinary Americans."

~ Candidate Obama
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Friday, July 23, 2010

President Obama Listens to the Right Because He Ignores the Left

Here is a note I wrote in December. The same angst was afflicting me which caused me to pen this missive to the President. Unfortunately I am sure such input never reaches Obama ears.

"President Obama Neither You Nor The Nation Deserve This'

Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Is Gen. McChrystal Irreplaceable?

It looks like that even senior Political Pundits are confused. Here is a note to David Gergen:

David, IMHO you showed very poor judgement in your recommendation about McChrystal on AC360. Coming from a Political Dean like you was especially astonishing. You said McChrystal was the best suited , nay the only one, to prosecute the war. Every reprimand no matter how severe will fall flat in front of the American Public and ROW. Letting him stay, because of the so called indispensability, will give a message to the troops that Commander In Chief is in fact the Pussy In Chief. In these circumstances McChrystal will be a terrible team player and will be in no position to prosecute his duties effectively. If he was a technician vital to national security such lapses may be tolerated -- but given his position, firing him will be the honorable thing to do for all concerned -- and absolutely essential to establish the authority of the chain of command.

There already has been a lot of speculation on whether Stanley McChrystal will be fired by the President or retained because of his indispensability for the Afghan war. IMHO the only question is what kind of a paddle will the President use to whup his sorry ass, before he is frog-marched out of the Whitehouse on his way to a court martial.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Professional Critics Miss the Forest for the Trees

The following letter applies to all the Pundits who railed against President's Oval Office speech with characteristically narcissistic silliness:

Hi Rachel,

Your segment with Ezra Klein on the President's Oval Office address was a complete departure from your normal rational self. Your guest did not do anything to add to the situation -- his totally asinine complaint about the President not mentioning Climate Change was partially corrected by you -- but your desire to agree with everybody got the better of you. Ezra the usual wet fish - and the saboteur reporter of the Public Option was just that - a wet fish. You joined in the chorus of blaming the President of not spelling out the details and in the process completely missing the big picture and the monumental challenges that need to be tackled.

It appears to me that the whole MSNBC crowd had a smoking session led by Keith himself. I do not know if Ed and Dylan imbibed of it with you all -- we will know tomorrow. Chris as usual likes the sound of his voice so much he has difficulty hearing anything serious unless accompanied by Kabuki theater. Keith claimed that President did not aim low - he did not aim at all. Poor President with Keith's head lodged firmly where the sunlight don't shine; it was impossible for him to aim for Keith's ears.Once the fog of whatever you guys smoked, clears your head, please watch the clip again. You will discover that you missed the President's challenge completely.

Instead of amplifying the message to tell its implications for the Senate bill and a call to arms, you were looking for details that need to be developed in light of President's challenge by the serious players. Do you think President Kennedy spelled out the details of the space plan or the appropriations that will be needed etc.

This was not only bad journalism, it was also a missed opportunity to explain to the viewers the role of all the players including the general public to meet this monumental challenge. I hope that the usually brilliant MSNBC anchors will rectify this error in upcoming shows by reporting on the forest they missed yesterday.

MSNBC Trashes Obama's Address: Compared to Jimmy Carter, 'I Don't Sense Executive Command'